Category: Weight Loss

Get A FREE Pedometer (For A Limited Time)! is giving away 5,000 FREE Pedometers. All we ask is that you help us with the small 1.95 shipping fee so we can get it to you! Why are we giving them away for free? Well we want to spread the word about FitBodyology and we have found giving away cool gifts is the … Read more

The One Drink That Helps On The Scale And With Overall Health

There’s a drink that can help you loose weight, tone your muscles, and boosts your energy all in a single serving. This miracle drink, that helps with all of these things, is simple water. I know we are always told to, “drink your water. It’s good for your body.” But they never say why it’s good … Read more

Top Foods That Help Your Body Burn Fat

Let’s go over the top foods that actually help your body burn fat. Yes, there are foods that actually help you burn fat. The great thing about these food items is that they are simple, easy to buy, and simple to prepare. The more of these food you can incorporate into your daily meals the … Read more

The Perfect Breakfast For Losing Weight

What does a healthy breakfast look like? A healthy breakfast, one that tastes good but also helps you keep your weight steady, has to have four components to it. First component is the almighty protein. Protein is so important for so many different reasons. One of those reasons is that it will fill you up … Read more