Get A FREE Pedometer (For A Limited Time)! is giving away 5,000 FREE Pedometers. All we ask is that you help us with the small 1.95 shipping fee so we can get it to you!

Why are we giving them away for free?

Well we want to spread the word about FitBodyology and we have found giving away cool gifts is the best way!

Our pedometer also has our small logo on it so that will also help us spread the word about our company.

And since we get some benefit from giving these away, you get one for free!

But once their gone their gone so get yours now!

This Pedometer attaches to your pants, to a shirt, or you can put it in your pocket.

It will count your steps and help you stay motivated and on-track.

To get your very own FREE Pedometer simply tell us where to ship it and help with the S/H. We will rush it out the door to you and you’ll be on your way to counting your steps immediately.

This pedometer is so easy to use. Simply clip it to yourself and go! If you want to reset the number of steps, just hold down the “reset” button. The nice thing about the reset button is that you have to hold it down, so you won’t accidentally erase your progress like so many other units!

We’ll also include a FREE online class that will show you how to get the best results with your pedometer.

To get yours simply click the button below and let us know where to send it!


*Only while supplies last. Limit 1 per household.

Why get a pedometer?

Well Stanford Medical University did a study and found that by simply wearing a pedometer, test subjects walked further than those who didn’t have a pedometer.

this means by just having a pedometer on, you are more likely to walk/run further than you would if you simply used nothing. And what’s nice about these FREE pedometers is that they are rugged and you won’t have to worry about breaking them like a fancy smart phone.

Get yours now by going here: Get Your FREE Pedometer Here!

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