Surprising: Healthiest Time To Eat A Banana?


Do you know when the best time is to eat a banana?

Is it best to eat it when it’s fresh or when it’s ripe?

It’s important to think about when you are eating your bananas because their nutritional properties change over time. As bananas ripen they actually get sweeter. This happens because they are progressively breaking down the starch they contain and turning it into sugar. When a banana ripens it means the starch has been converted into sugar, even making it easier to digest. But this sweetness comes with a cost. As they ripen they lose some of their vitamins and minerals.

But, there is a benefit to a ripe banana other than tasting more sweet. Japanese researchers found rip bananas contain more antioxidants and more anticancer properties. When your banana has dark spots, seen in banana number 7 above, it’s because the skin produced a substance called TNF, which can combat abnormal cells.

With these extra benefits it’s typically better to eat your banana when it’s fully ripened. However if you have diabetes and need to control your blood sugar, you might want a less sweet banana (more green).



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