The One Drink That Helps On The Scale And With Overall Health

There’s a drink that can help you loose weight, tone your muscles, and boosts your energy all in a single serving. This miracle drink, that helps with all of these things, is simple water. I know we are always told to, “drink your water. It’s good for your body.”

But they never say why it’s good for our bodies. They never tell us why it helps with weight loss and why it can pick you up during those mid afternoon energy lows.

So Today I’m going to cover the top reasons why we need to be getting those 10 glasses of water a day and why it does our bodies good.

Reason #1: Appetite Suppressant
A study done by Dr. Brenda Davy showed that people who drank water before a meal ate 75 fewer calories at that meal. Now I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you do this simple trick for lunch and dinner, in a year you will have lost about 14 ½ lbs! It takes only a few seconds and gives your awesome results.

Reason #2: Keeps your Digestive system efficient
Water helps our waste pass through with more ease and efficiency. If your digestive system slows then so does your fat metabolism, leaving you feeling bloated and sick. Drink approximately 1 liter for every 1000 calories.

Reason #3: Increases your metabolic rate
Our metabolic rate determines how many calories we burn. So we definitely want this high. A study done in Germany showed that for every 17 oz of ice cold water people drank, it increased the participants metabolic rate by 30% within 30 minutes. Now this higher burn rate only lasted about an hour, so make sure to be during throughout the day. Also, being just 1% dehydrated significantly slows down our metabolic process.

Reason #4: Flushes out toxic waste
Our bodies naturally produce waste through burning calories, breathing and cell function. It’s very important to clear out this waste, otherwise it bogs down our systems and causes them to slow their processes.

Reason #5: Helps you cut Calories
We have a really hard time telling the difference between hunger and thirst. If you have ever stood in front of the fridge wanting to eat something but nothing looked good, then your were more likely just thirsty vs. hungry. Save unneeded calories by drinking a glass of water, waiting 10 minutes and if you still feel hungry then have a snack. Replace high calorie drinks like sodas and sports drinks with good ‘ole fashion water.

Reason #6: Boosts your Energy
Water is needed in our blood for our bodies to transport critical nutrients like vitamins and minerals to our cells who in turn use them to keep us moving. We also need it to absorb those vitamins and minerals. When we are dehydrated we feel lethargic and tired because its our body’s way of tells us we need to give it more “fuel”.

Reason #7: Helps you exercise longer and harder
When we drink water before and during our exercise we are helping to prevent muscle cramps and also lubricating our joints so that we don’t have terrible pain during and after. It also helps after our workouts by flushing out the lactic acid our muscle produce that causes soreness. Water also aids in creating muscle definition.

Reason #8: Helps your body burn Fat vs. Carbs
Water hydrates your liver, and your liver is a big factor in the fat burning process. If we are slightly dehydrated then our liver is greatly affected and it will slow the fat burning process.

Reason #9: Helps with that number on the scale
The more water we drink the less water our bodies will retain. Our bodies are very smart and will hold on to things like water and fat if it feels like its not getting enough of them. So the more water the more waste that is flushed out and the less water your body feels it needs to hold on to in case it needs it later.

As you can see from this list water plays a very important role in our weight loss and overall health. Our bodies rely on it for so many different systems and functions. The more you drink the better you will feel and the healthier your body will become. So here’s to our next glass of ice cold water!

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