The Perfect Breakfast For Losing Weight

What does a healthy breakfast look like? A healthy breakfast, one that tastes good but also helps you keep your weight steady, has to have four components to it.

First component is the almighty protein. Protein is so important for so many different reasons. One of those reasons is that it will fill you up faster with fewer calories than almost any other item. As well as keep you more full for longer periods of time. It also is one of the many building blocks for our muscles. Our muscles require protein to be able to regenerate themselves when we tear them down through working out and also just every day living. Another thing that I love about protein is that it requires more energy for our body to process protein than fats or carbs. So you eat fewer calories and you burn more calories through that metabolic processing of protein. Double thumbs up for that one.

The second key ingredient is fiber. Fiber is one of those things that gets over looked all the time for its importance. I use to think that fiber was only for older people to help them regulate their bowels. Oh boy, was I ever wrong. Once I started really researching what fiber is and how it can help us in our quest for optimum health, I was surprised it’s not more widely talked about. So why is fiber so amazing you ask? Two reasons; just like protein it fills you up faster with sometimes fewer calories, and the second and best part is that it slows the process of sugar being absorbed into our blood stream. This is a good thing because the slower the sugar is absorbed into the blood, the lower the over all blood sugar level goes, resulting in less insulin that is required to process that sugar. The less insulin the less fat storage that occurs from the foods we are eating. Our body will burn the food for fuel instead of store it for a rainy day.

The third key ingredient is natural sugars, e.g. glucose and fructose. Both of these types of sugars are found all throughout nature. Our body’s need both of these sugars to regulate and keep processing so many of our body’s systems. The brain is a big system that requires glucose. Have you every felt light headed or dizzy when stand up quick and have not had anything to eat in a while? That because your natural blood sugar levels are low and the brain is telling you to take care of this situation quickly. And something as simple as eating an apple will start making you feel better within minutes.

The last key ingredient is vitamins and minerals. This one can be a little tricky because you really have to know your fruits and veggies to make sure you are getting enough of these to keep your body’s vitamins and mineral stores up to par. I like to make sure that if I am not having a veggie with a meal that I am getting these from other sources, like certain types of breads will have them, or a great piece of fruit.

With all of these components in mind you can see why we choose Scrambled eggs with a great piece of bread, along with some delectable raspberries for our healthy breakfast today. Both the eggs and the bread have our needed protein. The bread has an amazing amount of fiber, 6 WHOLE GRAMS, and tons of vitamins and minerals because you are eating the full bran and or nut/seed. And then lastly our raspberries. Raspberries are a great source of antioxidants, Vitamin C and fiber.

If you can incorporate all of these key ingredient’s into your breakfast, then you are off to a great start. You will stay fuller longer, wont have that mid-morning blood sugar crash, and will be getting most of your needed vitamins and minerals.

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