Top Foods That Help Your Body Burn Fat

Let’s go over the top foods that actually help your body burn fat. Yes, there are foods that actually help you burn fat.

The great thing about these food items is that they are simple, easy to buy, and simple to prepare. The more of these food you can incorporate into your daily meals the more efficient your body will becoming at burning off those “problem” areas that we would all like to see become a little smaller. So without further ado here are the super food items.

1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is so great because it’s high in fiber and protein, which keeps us fuller longer and it’s a resistant starch. So it takes our bodies longer to process, which means burning more calories by just processing this one food item. Also, because we eat it hot, it takes us longer to finish the bowl and so we feel more satisfied with what we just ate. One thing to look out for is the sugary flavored varieties. They are loaded with sugar. So try to reach for the plain varieties and sweeten it yourself with some fruit or a drizzle of maple syrup or honey.

2. Eggs
Eggs are another excellent source of protein and heart healthy monounsaturated fats. Remember it takes more energy for our bodies to burn and process protein than fats or carbs. So you stay full longer and your burning more calories. Double thumbs up on that one. Another fun fact about eggs is that they are a great source of vitamin B12. B12 is good because it is involved in the metabolism of every cell in our bodies. Specifically DNA synthesis and regulation, and fatty acid synthesis and energy production. So it helps protect more deformations in our cells (e.g. cancer) and allows our bodies to use the essential fatty acids that we need to survive.

3. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is one of my favorite fruits to eat in the morning. These babies do so many good things. For example they help regulate blood sugar levels that in turn lowers the insulin release in the blood, preventing fat storage. The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry did a study using grapefruits and found that those people who ate grapefruit had lower cholesterol, specifically the bad LDL’s than those who did not. So this big fruit really helps without with so much of our biochemistry.

4. Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries, and Blueberries)
These berries are chuck full of fiber. On average they have 6 grams of fiber and only 6 grams of sugar. So they keep us fuller longer and don’t spike our blood sugars causing that terrible crash a few hours later. There are also very rich in so many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And they are super low is calories to boot. But remember, jams and jellies are not the same as eating the fruit in its natural state. Always try to eat them raw or frozen in a smoothie

5. Nuts (Almonds, Cashews, and Pistachios)
The three of these nuts are the lowest in calories per oz., at only 160 calories, than any other nut. They are also full of protein and high in fiber. Both things that keep our metabolism burning those calories. Things you want to watch out for are the nuts roasted in oils or added salt. These can add calories and too much salt can slow the metabolism. Also watch out for ingredients like MSG and hydrogenated oils.

6. Beans and Legumes
I love these guys as a meat replacement. They are packed with fiber and protein, and are still low in calories. They are also great at helping to regulate our blood sugar levels because of their fiber content it helps to slow the digestion of our food and keeps us fuller and more satisfied for longer periods of time. Be careful with refried beans because a lot of brands add in saturated fats to kick up the flavors.

7. Lean Meats and Fish
I put these two together because I truly think that go hand in hand in a healthy diet plan. The lean meats are a great way to get high amount of protein for low calories, but they lack some of the essential fatty acids that we need. So that’s were the fish comes into play. Fish like tuna and salmon are very high in omega-3’s, which help reduce our stress hormones and in turn helps our body to burn the fat vs. storing it for a rainy day. Salmon also helps to activate the thyroid hormone responsible for regulating a faster metabolism, so we are running more like a well-oiled machine instead of a rusty one. Try to buy these items either fresh or canned in water instead of oil.

8. Olive Oil
This is my favorite go to oil. It’s full of all the good fats that we need to survive like mono and poly unsaturated fats which helps to keep our cholesterol in check by managing the ratios between HDL’s, LDL’s, and Triglycerides. Also olive oil is a great craving buster. You are more satisfied when eating healthy fats so you tend to eat less. When buying your oils make sure to check the label for things like hydrogenated oils. Because they really negate all the benefits when added to healthy oils. Also try making your own salad dressing with some olive oil, vinegar, and a few of your favorite spices. By making it yourself you save calories and you know there are no unhealthy additives.

So as you can see many of these items are full of protein, fiber and healthy fats. When we feed our bodies the right nutrients it will run faster and more efficient than very before. Helping to reach all of our health goals whether they be to lose weight, build stronger muscles, or compete at a higher level in any sports. If you can’t add all of these items at once, that’s ok. Take it one item at a time. And try to add a different item at different meals. By taking it slow you wont feel overwhelmed and before you know it you will be incorporating all these items on a daily basis.

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