Worst “Healthy” Foods

Have you ever felt like this: “I kill myself at the gym, I’m eating healthy, but can’t seem to loose any weight.”?

I have felt like this myself and many of our clients come to use with the same complaint. A huge reason behind this issue is that there are so many foods out there that claim to be healthy, but as soon as you read their nutrition facts you can easily see why you’re not loosing the weight like you should when you’re eating this stuff. These items are thwarting your best efforts because they really aren’t healthy at all, event though they are marketed as such. I’m going to cover a few for the worst “healthy” Foods out there.

1. Multi Grain/ Whole Wheat bread
This one really frustrates me because they have taken something that in it’s true form, “Whole Wheat” that can be very good for you, and they turned it into something that is just as bad as white bread. You see the FDA regulations for Whole Wheat bread only requires that 51% of the bread’s ingredients be from Whole wheat. So the other 49% really is just refined flour. You have to read the ingredients on this one. If the first ingredient on the list is refined flour, then put it down and look for another product. Look instead for things that say 100% whole wheat, or even nut or seed breads like Dave’s Killer Bread. Dave’s is my favorite bread because I can read every ingredient and each ingredient is still in its natural, whole state.

2. Fruit Juices and Smoothies
I know what you’re thinking, that fruits are really good for you and help you loose weight. Yes, that is true but it’s the whole fruit that is good for you. This is because when you only get the juices from the fruit all you are getting is something that is super high in sugar and completely devoid of all its fiber. So the juices spike your blood sugar and then cause that mid afternoon crash. Some fruit smoothies have more than 30 grams of sugar and 300+ calories. Instead stick with making your own so that you keep a lot of the good fiber and you know exactly what’s in it. Not all these added sweeteners.

3. Energy/Workout Bar
So many of these bars are filed with additives like high fructose corn syrup and saturated fats. They are also very calorically dense. Some of the bars will run as high as 400 calories per bar. That’s almost a full meal, not a pre or post workout snack. Instead look for ones that have nuts, dried fruits, and whole grains. Even a good trail mix will work but not the ones loaded with chocolate. : )

4. Yogurt
Some yogurts have as much sugar in them as a candy bar. The yogurts that have fruit already added are the one’s with the highest sugar. They do this because to make sure that the fruit does not spoil, they cover it in sugary syrup. And because of all the added sugar the calorie content has gone way up as well. Instead look for low fat plain versions where you can add your own fruit and maybe even a few drops of stevia to get that sweetness without going overboard.

5. Prepared Salads
We have a tendency to think, “Oh it’s a salad so they’re all good right?!” Not so. There are so many salads that are loaded with tons of hidden fats and sugar’s in the ingredients they use for their dressings. Also, do you usually prepared a salad at home that was the same size as the one’s you get at a restaurant? Usually not. The portion sizes are so big at restaurants that many salads have more calories than lots of other “unhealthy” items on the menu. The salad I ordered at one of my favorite restaurants was more calories than my husband’s chicken Parmesan sandwich. I could not believe when I looked it up after we got home. So much for that “healthy” meal. A few tips: ask for the dressing on the side and only eat half of the meal. The other half will be a great lunch for tomorrow. And when making your own dressings at home, use things like mustard or yogurt to cut the calories and the fat.

6. Diet Soda
It is true that there are fewer calories in a diet soda vs. a regular, but your trading calories for chemicals. There are so many additives in soda to make sure that it has a long shelf life and that it still tastes good with fewer calories. All these chemicals really wreak havoc on your systems. One study showed that having just one soda a day, diet or regular, increases your likelihood of getting diabetes by 22%. Instead opt for flavored water. And by that I mean water that you’re flavoring with fruits, like lemons, limes, oranges, and strawberries. Just slice up a few and toss them into your water bottle or make a pitcher full to keep you hydrated all day long.

7. Sports Drinks
There is a time and place for these guys. But if you didn’t just finish a long killer workout or half marathon then you really shouldn’t be drinking them. Most sports drinks have 34+ grams of sugar. Which is really only needed if you just used it all up in a long hard event or workout session. Instead opt for plain old water. You need to be replacing your fluid levels, but without all the added sugar that can actually cause a big spike and then crash your blood sugar levels and energy.

8. Reduced Fat Peanut Butter
I know that for years everyone has been saying that it’s fat that causes us to get fat, but studies are showing that it’s not the fats at all but the added sugars. Our bodies need the healthy fats to function because so many of our systems use fat for fuel. And that’s exactly what is in peanut butter, Monounsaturated fats. Healthy fats help reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Also our body cannot absorb all the vitamins and mineral we eat without fats. Most reduced fat Peanut Butter only have a little bit less fat, but have WAY more sugars to make sure it still taste’s as good as the regular. So stick with the natural peanut butter with only a few ingredients.

9. Bagels
Who doesn’t love the soft chewy texture of a fresh bagel for your mid morning snack? I know I did until I found out what they were really doing to my insides. One plain bagel will run around 300 calories. And who eats them plain?! : )  Add the cream cheese smear in there and you are talking over 400 calories. Another issue with them is their effect on our blood sugars. They are VERY high on the glycemic index(GI) and because of that it spike’s your blood sugar, causes your body to release lots insulin which tells your body to store fat. Also, because of it’s high GI it causes a lot of inflammation through out our bodies that cause’s issues like aging, acne, and rosacea. Instead reach for an English muffin for only 70 calories and spread a little bit of peanut butter for some added protein.

10. Granola
Everyone think’s, and myself was included, that granola is such a great healthy way to include some fiber and protein into breakfast or mid morning snack. Well it does have both of those things in it, but at a cost. You see most serving sizes of granola is only ¼ of a cup, but packs over 200 calories. I mean who eats only ¼ of a cup?! Also it is packed with added fats and sugars for that sweet savory flavor. If you are going to eat granola make sure you are measuring it out so that you know how much you really are eating. Instead try reaching for instant or steel cut oatmeal. It will provide you with all the benefits like proteins and fiber, but for way fewer calories and grams of sugar.

As you can see after going through this list there are a lot of food items out there what have been advertised to us as healthy because they have a few healthy ingredient’s in them. But the reality is that because of their additional processing and additives it really kills most of the benefits. Always looking at the nutrition facts and compare brands. Just a few simple food items can sabotage most of our hard work at the gym and trying to eat right. So keep up the great work, check labels, and you too will soon have that body you’ve always wanted.

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