The One Drink That Helps On The Scale And With Overall Health

There’s a drink that can help you loose weight, tone your muscles, and boosts your energy all in a single serving. This miracle drink, that helps with all of these things, is simple water. I know we are always told to, “drink your water. It’s good for your body.” But they never say why it’s good … Read more

Does Eating Organic Matter (Video)?

We’ve all heard the debates from each side on whether or not to eat organic. But this cute little girl actually performed a test to find out the difference between organic and non-organic food. You’ll be surprised at what she found!

What Your Starbucks Calories Look Like Compared To Other Food

Coffee lover and blogger of “I Love Coffee” Ryoko created these awesome infographics that depict the different calorie counts for Starbucks beverages as it compare to other popular foods. You’ll definitely be thinking twice about that latte when you realize you could trade it for a slice of delicious pizza! So have a look and see if … Read more

This Child Has An Interesting Take On Whether Or Not Vegan Diets Are healthy (Hilarious!)

Kids always tell it like it is. When asked whether or not a vegetarian/vegan diet was more healthy than a regular diet he wrote… And it reads: 6. Do you think a vegetarian or vegan diet is more healthy than a diet which includes meat? Why? Main Sentence: “No.” Reason & Details: “Because they can’t … Read more

Man Eats Pizza Everyday For 25 Years (Video)

Who doesn’t love a good slice of pizza every now and then? Well Dan Janssen takes this to a whole new level. Dan has had pizza just about every single day for the last 25 years. He loves it. But is it healthy? Dan thinks so. He is skinny and his doctor says he’s healthy. … Read more